Chris Hallberg
- Best of 2024 ✨
- Daily Carry what I have and use every day
- Must Buy exceptions to capitalism
- Niche Reviews razors, pens, chapstick, etc.
- Today I Learned
- See all notes
- Colors browse and anaylze color palettes, now with oklch!
- Dicify add clickable rolls to RPG stat blocks
- Font Proofer a way to try out my favorite fonts
- JSON Against Humanity Cards Against Humanity in JSON and plain text
- Rankify pair-wise comparison made easy
- Hundreds of miles to Safetown a 200 Word RPG about two travelers and the space between them
- A Haunted House my first 200 Word RPG Challenge entry, updated
- Flow Skate '08 a dice pool skateboard rpg. Made for Tiny Tome Jam (2021).
- Currently enjoying Ray Tracing in One Weekend, but in Rust.
- BZIP2 reimplementing bzip2 in clear, easy-to-read JS (In Progress).
- Collision Detection in p5.js a fork of Jeff Thompson's magnificent tutorial.
Pretty Plaintext
- Black Flag SRD (see monsters here)
- Universal Game Engine SRD (In Progress)
CSS Reset and Base
- base.css my base styles for all projects (2025-02-25)
- base-reset.css my researched and golfed CSS reset
- /lib/fonts makes using my favorite fonts so easy
Niche Tools
- Big Money Simulator a play companion for Dominion
- Country or Christian the statistics of two genres
- Lots of Checks a tool that emulates and expands Mike Shea's Lazy DM table
- Projex a simple climb logger that I made for the gym
- φFeed a YT subscription manager without a login, for Invidious