Collision Detection
Table of Contents
Use your mouse to collide the two points!


The easiest collision to test is between two points. To test if they are touching, we simply check to see if their X and Y coordinates are the same!

if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {
    // points are in the same place: collision!
else {
    // not colliding

We can then wrap this up in a function to make the code more usable. As arguments, we pass the X/Y coordinates for both points. The function returns a boolean value of true or false, depending on whether there is a collision or not.

function pointPoint(x1,y1, x2,y2) {
    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {
        return true;
    return false;

Note the bit of shorthand above: we could specify else { return true; }, but our code does the same thing! Our version is a little easier to read, once you get used to it. Think of the return false; as the default value to be sent back, unless certain conditions are met.

With our very first collision detection function in hand, we can build a useful example. The gray point is controlled by your mouse (it's drawn with a thicker strokeWeight so you can see it). Try bumping into the other point and watch the background change color!

var px, py;           // point controlled by the mouse
var targetX = 300;    // target point coordinates
var targetY = 200;
function setup() {
    var canvas = createCanvas(600, 400);
    strokeWeight(5);    // thicker stroke = easier to see
function draw() {
    // update point position to mouse coordinates
    px = mouseX;
    py = mouseY;
    // check for collision!
    // if hit, make background orange; if not, make it white
    var colliding = pointPoint(px, py, targetX, targetY);
    if (colliding) {
        background(255, 150, 0);
    else {
    // draw the two points
    point(targetX, targetY);
    point(px, py);
function pointPoint(x1,y1, x2,y2) {
    // are the two points in the same location?
    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {
        return true;
    return false;

Congrats, you've written your first program using collision! This basic structure will be the same in all the examples we'll build. Of course, we could add some improvements to this algorithm. Try the challenge prompts at the end of this section and see if you can make it work better.