Welcome to Double DND December!
Update! (2022-12-17)
Because I am a maniac, I am adding multiple one-shots to my DND schedule in December! Lots of details below! This is the perfect opportunity if you've always wanted to try DND or another roleplaying game. Or step into the drivers seat! I'm available for lots of help in getting to the table and so is our awesome group of regular players. Two years of awesome fun and I'm excited to celebrate!
If you want to play, please:
- Fill out the signup survey.
Fill out the calendar for when you are available.
- December 2022.
- January 1st-14th.
- Aiming for 7:30pm–midnight.
- Fill in every other slot for "maybe" or "not ideal". See Dec 26th as an example.
- Pester me if you don't get an email by Wednesday, December 15th (or December 30th for January).
Onto the menu! For more-detailed, narrative intro to each premise, scroll to the bottom or follow the links!
The Adventure Menu
Brunch: Low Level Adventures
The Shining Shrine
Level 1 characters welcome! This creature hunt is a perfect sampling of the best of D&D. Light but crucial roleplay, focused mystery, and creative and intense battles! This adventure is especially flexible, with the first third or so being fact-finding and preparations for those who arrive early and hopefully a set time for the big finale! (est. 5 hours)
Premise and introduction for The Shining Shrine below!
The Thunderlock Barcrawl
Level 1 characters welcome! A pair of grizzled old adventurers have set up a "training course" dungeon as a test to hopefully educate and prevent the untimely deaths of would-be adventuring companies. (est. 2 to 4 hours)
Premise and introduction for The Thunderlock Barcrawl below!
Dinner: Mid Level Adventures
The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask
Geared toward Level 8 characters, this adventure lets you get uniquely up-close with one of D&D's most iconic and terrifying monsters: the Tarrasque! A small, coy content warning: this Tarrasque has eaten the only thing known to destroy it - and there's one obvious (and gross) way to get it back! (est. 4 hours)
Premise and introduction for The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask below!
The Ground Hog
A chaotic mystery adventure of my own design! Can your Level 8 characters get to the bottom of what's going on in the town of Murray?
Dream Weaver
It takes a particularly nasty monster to terrorize an entire town and an equally powerful group of adventurers to stop it! This creature hunt will pit your Tier 4 characters against such a foe; requiring your wits and weapons to research, track down, and neutralize. For Level 18 characters!
I'm also thinking a more modern setting could be appropriate for this if interested. Nior or modern day! (est. 6 hours)
Premise and introduction for Dream Weaver below!
Pregen Level 18 Options
- Dwarf College of Lore Bard
- Aasimar Grave Domain Cleric
- Drow Circle of Stars Druid
- Halfling Battle Master Fighter
- Half-Orc Oath of Redemption Paladin
- Human Arcane Trickster Rogue
- Tabaxi Fiend Patron Warlock
- Goliath School of Divination Wizard
I also highly recommend the builds at Tabletop Builds which guide you from level 1 to level 20 with explanations and strategy advice for each level.
For the Queen
My favorite RPG, For the Queen, is a zero-prep, all-player RPG that uses prompts to build a world and a story. By answering these prompts, the players reveal details about their character, their shared world, and the nature of the Queen - whom we all have a deep and abiding love for. (est. 1 hour)
Adventure Descriptions
- The Shining Shrine (Level 1)
- The Thunderlock Barcrawl (Level 1)
- The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask (Level 8)
- Dream Weaver (Level 18)
The Shining Shrine (Level 1)
The barrier between the Plane of Fey and the Material Plane has always been loose around Springarden, a bountiful, blossom-filled estate in the heart of the Springwood. Tiny sprites and pixies freely travel between the Plane of Fey's eternal sunset and the garden's perpetual spring. Each year, a confluence of stars weakens the barrier to the Plane of Fey and marks the annual Feyfest, a fey-themed festival. Drawn by the radiant energy that seeped through the weakened barrier between planes is the target of this monster hunt: the suneater owlbear.
Coming from the Plane of Fey, the suneater owlbear is accustomed to the paltry solar offerings of the eternal sunset. The midday sun of the Material Plane, on the other hand, is practically a feast. What the owlbear didn't account for was being stuck on the Material Plane throughout its daynight cycle, nor the hunger that arose from spending half a day in darkness.
Now, it has settled into Springarden, home of the Blossom Union, a sect of druid-monks that care for the holy wood. The owlbear has made a lair of the Union's most holy shrine and spends its nights satiating its hunger on the numerous giant, flying koi that swim in its waters. The innate, soothing magic of the garden has been twisted by the owlbear's psyche; travelers to the garden have experienced alarmingly aggressive mood swings.Whoever can return tranquility to Springarden would find its druid-monks in their debt.
The Thunderlock Barcrawl (Level 1)
Read the full intro comic here!
Both Merp Lock Tickler - a retired dwarven roguish trap expert - and Thamus Thunderhand - an elderly human hedge wizard - have seen more than their fair share of dungeons. They have lost numerous companions over their long careers and have both watched far too many novice dungeon crawlers meet an untimely end, either due to lack of preparation, foolhardy confidence, or outright blunders, and they can't stand it anymore!
The two venerable dungeon delvers have taken their hard-earned savings and bought a foreclosed brewery property with a sizable cellar. Setting up a sort of tavern/training facility that caters to would-be adventurers, they've called their investment Thunderlock Tavern. For a minimal fee, those who think they have the makings of adventurers can test their skills against a small complex filled with traps, snares, and monsters of a less-lethal nature than would be encountered in a normal dungeon.
Those who traverse the "dungeon" are allowed to keep any treasure they find and are also rewarded with a night of free food and drink, as well as th greater reward of getting their names added to the Thunderlock Wall of Crawlers.
The Tarrasque Task of Moreen Trask (Level 8)
Something strange is happening. The mugs of ale on the table are rippling as if there's something large approaching. But from where? Before you have time to consider that question, the thumps get bigger - definitely footsteps now. And something huge—nay, gargantuan!—is headed for the village.
The bar's patrons rush to the windows to see what all the commotion is. You're headed that direction yourself, when, just then, the front door flings open. A gnomish woman with wild, bushy hair and slightly bulging eyes stands there, breathing heavily.
"Tuh... tuh... tuh..." she says between gasps. Finally, she takes a moment to catch her breath, clears her throat and points, "Tarrasque!"
And she's correct. The 600-foot-tall creature of legend is roughly 500 feet from the village and headed this way.
"You!" she says pointing at you. "And you and you and you..." and so on, until she points at each of you. "Come with me. You can probably stop this thing. Maybe. I don't know. Regardless! This way!"
Moreen talks while she walks explaining the situation. She was carrying a significant item with her that she suspects is responsible for waking the beast. One of the adventurers, a Knotsider evoker named Suzen, was holding the object when the tarrasque swallowed him. Moreen suspects that it's probably still intact somewhere inside the tarrasque.
"It's likely in the thing's gut. If my theory is correct, it's what shuts this thing on and off. So here's what you gota do, gang: get inside that thing, grab it, and get out. Sound good? Great! Let's go!"
Dream Weaver (Level 18)
One morning, the citizens of the town of Cordette noticed that some of their neighbors never woke up. Concern grew as more townsfolk fell into a long sleep and were not able to be roused. After one villager passed in their sleep, concern grew to panic, and those who were still awake fled the town.
Bucket, the village mayor's automaton, is one of the few individuals left unaffected, by virtue of not needing to sleep. It has tried the usual medical procedures: smelling salts, leeches, and electrocution; nothing has worked! This seems like a magical mystery.
Bucket has sent out a request for help. Twelve villagers are still trapped in slumber their health is deteriorating. If action isn't taken quickly, more of the villagers might soon expire.