It's hundreds of miles to SAFETOWN. Why can't you stay? Choose a PARTNER. What brought you together? It'll take 200 DAYS to get there, maybe longer. How will you get there? --- Not every day is eventful. To PASS TIME, both roll a d20. The SUM is how many days pass before an EVENT occurs. When the DIFFERENCE is less than SEVEN, the EVENT brings you closer together. You experience unexpected help or luck. Something makes your day. When the DIFFERENCE is SEVEN or more, the EVENT drives you farther apart. You experience hardship and lacking. Something important is lost or broken. When your rolls MATCH, you enjoy the peak of your relationship. You experience a love only your PARTNER understands. Something in your chest expands. When you roll ONE and TWENTY, the EVENT creates a rift. Something will never be forgiven. Leave your PARTNER behind. PASS TIME until 200 DAYS have come and gone. Create EVENTS together and overcome them together. Complete the journey. --- Inspiration: 1 anger 11 trust 2 beast 12 plant 3 night 13 weather 4 food 14 gear 5 memory 15 future 6 derelict 16 discovery 7 gift 17 possession 8 vista 18 secret 9 flight 19 depths 10 friend 20 stranger