
Last Update: 24 Mar 2025

Now Playing Best 1% Top 10% Top 25% Interesting: Good Interesting: Bad

I have set out to review everything that has been significant to my limited experience here on earth. After years of frustration with five-star or four-star systems, I have developed a flexible system that allows me to quickly rank my experiences. I now choose which items belong in the top 25%, 10%, or best 1% of its type. The more I've experienced, the more I can promote to the high echelons of the form.

I digress! In case there's a fire during tonight's performance, the exits are to the Far Left, and please remember - there is no smoking allowed in the theatre. Enjoy the show!

I have reviewed: 10 Books, 3 Live Performances, 227 Movies, 49 Music Projects, 38 Podcasts, 13 RPG Products, 10 Software Programs, 68 Tabletop Games, 78 Television Programs, 55 Theme Park Attractions, and 169 Video Games.

Now Playing

Best 1%

The best of the best.

Top 10%

Top 25%

Interesting: Good

A list of things I enjoyed and recommend, against the popular impression.

Interesting: Bad

A list of things I did not enjoy, despite popular impression.